“P3 has been instrumental in where my practice has gone. I don’t think it’s ever possible to be too busy as a surgical subspecialist so it’s kind of just keeping the pipeline of patient flow going. I’ve been in practice for 17 years and I would not be where I am if I hadn’t been with them.”
– Dr. B., Orthopedic Specialist in Oregon*
The most successful medical practices grow through word-of-mouth – but that doesn’t happen by magic. And it’s even harder when you have back-to-back surgeries all day.
It’s nice to think that word-of-mouth will happen naturally over time – if only that were true. In reality, successful practices grease the wheels by ensuring they are top of mind with referring physicians. They also make it easy for patients to refer their family and friends. And they make sure they can be found online.
P3 makes it easy for your patients to recommend you to their family and friends.
We create content that patients can easily share on Facebook. We make it easy for them to leave positive online reviews – and we make sure that you can be found on Google.

P3 helps local providers know when to refer to you.
To get the patient case mix you want, you need the right provider referrals. But out of sight is out of mind – so we help you stay on the radar of your local providers and health systems. We help you make sure they know who you are and what you do best. We can even help you bring in more self-pay patients and patients covered by commercial insurance.
P3 creates an independent online presence for your practice.
You became a doctor because you want to take care of people – but that can get lost when you are part of a larger practice or health system. We help make sure your patients know who you are – and how you can help.

New Patient Appointments Up 115%
Large Orthopedic Practice in Georgia*

Online Appointments Increase 162%
Multi-disciplinary children’s orthopedic practice*

You take great care of your patients, and you deserve a thriving practice.
You know you should spend more time on your marketing – but time is the one thing you and your staff never have.

With P3, it’s like having a few extra hours in your day – because we do all the heavy lifting.
We have over 20 years’ experience helping orthopedic, neurology, and spine practices and we understand the unique needs of your specialty. Let us take the pressure off by creating a word-of-mouth marketing strategy tailored to your practice.
We will talk with you and give your practice a thorough marketing check-up. And then we will show you how we can help you grow.
“You never have to worry. If you have a problem, you just call and they’re there, they help. It’s not like going through a big company where, you know, you’ve got to leave messages and wait for somebody to call you back. They’re just great.”
– S. J., Practice Manager in Florida*
Get Started Today With Your Free Practice Check-Up
We will show you how you can get more patient recommendations, more provider referrals, and more patients finding you online.
*These testimonials and results are from real P3 customers. We value the privacy of our clients, so their names and practices have been anonymized. However, we are happy to provide client references privately upon request.